
Microsoft reveals new Windows 10 features

Windows 10 is the newest version of Windows that aims to make the user experience more streamlined and enjoyable. However, as wonderful as the new features are, you may know nothing of them because they’ve been revealed somewhat sneakily. If you are curious about the latest Windows 10 features and how they can improve your […]

Social media alternatives for business

The use of social media for marketing is practically inescapable at this point. And for good reason: companies gain access to increased visibility, more sales opportunities, and more opportunities to define their brand. But why limit your business to a few of the most well known options? The internet is full of useful social media […]

Using business intelligence to budget smart

Business Intelligence strategies have been utilized by company owners for decades, but only in today’s Internet-based market do they have access to all the information they need in one location. See how business owners can use their business intelligence technology to budget for the coming fiscal year.