A guide to interruption insurance

You are protecting your small or medium-sized business with insurance – of course you are. But is that really enough? The recent increase in natural disasters has led savvy business owners to also take out business interruption insurance, which covers many additional scenarios in the event that you are unable to carry on operating.

Make your life easier with these Cortana tips

It seems like just yesterday that Samuel L. Jackson was chatting up Siri on national television to the amusement of millions. If you’re like most of us, you may have been tickled with the idea that a virtual assistant could be so helpful and charming all at once, and marveled at just how far technology […]

7 essential Android tablet apps

Whether you’ve just purchased a new Android tablet or already have one, finding and installing the right applications is one of the most important decisions you need to make as a tablet user. But with the Google Play Store and its plethora of options, choosing a set of apps for your device can be overwhelming.

Answer this before office virtualization

We won’t waste your time asking if you know what virtualization is. Someone has probably already brought it to your attention. Maybe it was your IT department suggesting it as a way to reduce downtime, or perhaps it was a competitor bragging about how it helped their company improve its bottom line.

More payment options come to Samsung

As mobile payments move ever closer to becoming the norm for settling bills and undertaking financial transactions, Google Wallet and Apple Pay continue to be the services that hog the limelight. While it may appear on the surface that these are the only popular options, Samsung Pay is also getting in on a slice of […]

Turning blogging into a business asset

People want to read your blog. You may not think it’s true, but the fact of the matter is that someone somewhere is looking for information on a subject you know inside and out. Of course, this information has to be presented in way that is engaging and unique to stand out and catch people’s […]