
2016’s Best CRM Software Options

What are the components of a good CRM software? Must it fit into your budget? Should it be easily navigable? Or must it have a simple interface? All the aforementioned qualities are vital, but none of them are important if they don’t meet all your business’s unique needs.

Citrix’s XenApp gets a cloud boost from Azure

Microsoft’s Azure and Citrix’s XenApp have done a lot to move virtualization services into the mainstream over the years. So, with the announcement that the two companies will work together to combine their platforms into a new cloud-based application delivery system, it’s understandable why there is so much excitement within the industry.

Android users threatened by Linux bug

In the Trojan War, a wooden horse wheeled into the city of Troy. Once night fell, the Greek army crept out of the hollow stallion and opened the city’s gates. Having breached the mighty fortress, the entire regiment eventually sealed their victory against the Trojans and won the war.

Windows gets desktop Android notifications

Smartphones aren’t even ten years old, and they’re already one of the most essential pieces of our daily routines.In many ways they’ve actually surpassed desktop computers in their ability to keep us connected 24 hours a day. But they’re still a separate device, and that means awkward transitions when you get notifications while working on […]

Beware of these social engineering tactics

As the spectacle and competitive atmosphere of the Rio Olympic Games have drawn the world’s attention, hackers who use social engineering are inching closer to our private information. Although our systems may be prepared for the likes of malware and worms, social engineering is a different beast of its own.

Build better chatbots with these 5 tips

Before the US reached its current golden age, it went through a period known as the Wild West stage. This had less to do with cowboys and shootouts and more to do with limitless possibilities that can almost overwhelm you. That’s exactly where chatbots are today, With a myriad of ways to customize your chatbot, […]

Network virtualization: why you should care

As difficult as virtualization may be to understand, it continues to march toward widespread adoption. Up until now, the service was mostly limited to making hardware and software resources better allocated based on needs. However, corporate bigwigs AT&T and Verizon are jumping into the game by adding the option to virtualize network services.